We are pleased to announce the republication of the acclaimed children’s interactive storybook titled Little Boy and Mr Scary Snake by D. A-Gravill (AKA Aurora Mizutani ). The story “Little Boy and Mr Scary Snake” was written by Aurora Mizutani and originally published in 2012–2013, under the pen name D. A-Gravill. The story “Little Boy and Mr Scary Snake” follows a child who faces his fears and learns to do the right thing. Little Boy, the main character, demonstrates immense bravery in the face of adversity. Throughout the story, Little Boy encounters fear, ridicule, and disbelief from well-meaning adults in his life, who are identifiable by their descriptive names. The story depicts a coming-of-age journey for the child. As the story unfolds, Little Boy confronts difficult situations and undergoes significant thought processes. He experiences frustration and fear of not being believed when he tries to express his concerns about Mr Scary Snake to adults who fail to understand him. ...